Pork Ribs

Pork ribs, also known as spare ribs, are taken from the belly side of the rib cage, below the back ribs, and above the sternum. They are flatter and contain more bone and fat than back ribs, making them more tender. Spareribs are a popular dish in Mexican cuisine and are often cooked in a chili-based sauce. Check out our homemade recipe below!

Costillas en Mole Estilo Michoacan

By: Maria del Carmen Renteria


  • 5 lbs Short Rib

  • 5 garlic cloves 5

  • Cloves

  • 2 slices of Bimbo White Bread

  • 2 oz sesame seeds

  • 1 Roma tamatillo

  • 1/2 onion

  • 10 California chiles

  • 9 ancho chiles

  • 1 bar of Chocolate Abuelita

  • 1 Cinnamon stick


  1. Rinse a bag of Hacienda del Valle’s pre-cut pork ribs under cold water.

  2. Brown your meat in a deep pot with 3 garlic cloves, salt and cloves to taste over medium heat until it reaches a beautiful brown color. Not oil is needed as it will cook in its own grease, as it is being released from the meat.

  3. In a separate pan with some oil, lightly brown the dried california and ancho chilis, removing the seeds beforehand. Sauté along with 3 cloves of garlic, sesame seeds, tomatoes cut in quarters, and 1/2 of an onion, sliced. Sauté until the sesame seeds acquire a chocolate brown color.

  4. Add the browned ingredients to a blender with the Chocolate abuelita, cinnamon, bananas and prunes and blend until it evenly combines. Be careful to not leave the consistency too paste-like. You can adjust using room-temperature water.

  5. Taste and adjust seasonings (add more salt, garlic, to taste). 7. Take the blended sauce and pour through a strainer over the browned pork ribs. Simmer on med-low heat for an additional 5-10 minutes or until the flavors have combined.